Remove calluses treatment
When the top layer of your skin is thickened, we call that a callus. A callus is caused by too much pressure and friction. Actually, it is simply a natural protection mechanism of the body.
Callus forms naturally. In some people there is more callus than in others. A callus is yellowish in color. It occurs on the ball of the foot, the heel and on or under a toe. Wrong shoes, extreme sweaty feet or a different position of your feet are often the cause

What can Medisch Pedicure Esther Amsterdam do for you?
A callus is nothing serious and generally cannot hurt. Some people, however, have so much of it, that they get pain, corns or gaps. Or you just find it annoying, those big yellow spots. In those cases you can have calluses removed by me. It is better to have this done by a professional than to get is sorted by yourself. It is also never good to remove too much calluses. A smooth and healthy skin is of great importance, I can advise you about that.
Preventing calluses
Calluses can never be completely prevented, but you can ensure that your feet look neat and well cared for. Take a five-minute footbath twice a week. Use a care product, especially for feet. Dry your feet well and coat them with a moisturizing foot cream. This keeps your feet soft and prevents painful gaps. Different types of foot products are available in the practice.
If you want to quickly get rid of your excessive calluses, make an appointment online immediately.
Make an appointment with Medical Pedicure Esther Amsterdam
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