Diabetic Foot Treatment
Diabetes mellitus is an incurable metabolic disease in which the body cannot get enough energy from glucose.
Sugars can only be absorbed in most cells (insulin dependent cells) in the presence of sufficient insulin – if there are also active insulin receptors on those cells. The precise cause of diabetes is not yet known.

The most common problems with diabetes are:
In all diabetic patients, the feet should be examined at least once a year by a healthcare professional. Healthcare professionals make use of the SIMS classification.
When they screen the feet of people with diabetes, the so-called “SIMS classification” is maintained. The SIMS classification is a risk inventory that charts the risks the patient walks to the possible occurrence of an ulcer or multiple ulcers.
Concerned primary care providers
The primary care providers involved in the direct care of people with diabetes are:
What Can Medical Pedicurist Esther Amsterdam Do For You?
Treat people with diabetes and their feet with an increased risk of ulceration in particular. Medical Pedicurist Esther Amsterdam, can conduct a focused foot research aimed at preventing the emergence of ulcers and remedying symptoms. Risk factors and possible complaints that arise due to neuropathy, peripheral arterial fatigue, footwear and/or deformities. Risk factors, indications, contra-indications and locations to be treated are systematically mapped to assess the condition of the feet and to form a clear image. Any changes in relation to previously conducted studies are signaled and interpreted. A careful assessment is made between different treatment methods and the required treatment interval. The person with diabetes is informed about the observations and possible treatments. In consultation, appropriate treatment is determined and a treatment-plan drawn up. If the required treatment does not belong to the medical pedicurist, the client is advised to consult another discipline. Where necessary, Medical Pedicurist Esther Amsterdam, reports the data and findings to other disciplines.
What Is A Focused Foot Research Of The Medical Pedicure?
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